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Embracing the new normal of virtual events? From setting up the perfect workspace to engaging effectively with other participants, this guide will help you prepare and make the most out of your virtual event experience.

Tech Check

Ensure your device, internet connection, and audio-visual setup are reliable and optimized for the best experience.

Familiarize Yourself with the Platform

Before the event, explore the platform to understand its features, navigation, and functionality.

Prepare Your Workspace

Find a quiet, well-lit space where you can attend the event without distractions.

Engage and Network

Engage and Network

Take advantage of interactive features, such as live chats, polls, and Q&As to engage with the event and network with other participants.

Engage Your Audience

Use Breakout Rooms

For larger events, breakout rooms are a great way to have more intimate, focused discussions.

Follow Up

Follow Up

After the event, follow up with people you met or resources you discovered during the event.

Ready to explore the exciting world of virtual events?

Sign up with Exponaut today and start engaging with global audiences at the touch of a button.